Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Avengers vs very excited

Yep this announcement made me squeal a little. Nothing I like more than hero on hero action. I thoroughly enjoyed Civil War and am hoping for more of the same. However I approach with caution and I'll tell you why. I have recently invested my hard earned pennies in two of the Marvel events.

Not entirely satisfying?

I bought Fear Itself, an event that involved a lot of the Avengers and opted to stick with just the 7 issue main title, not the all the tie-in titles and not because I didn't want to but because my husband didn't want to have to remortgage the house. Past big events like this I had only read in graphic novel form, but as my comic collecting has stepped up a gear I decided to allow myself the pleasure of eagerly waiting for the next issue to drop through my letterbox. The downside of this was a gutting feeling that I missed an awful lot of the story by not buying, lets say, Ironman's point of view.  This was disheartening, yeah what I read was good, don't ever think I have ever truly hated a comic, but I just knew more awesome feats and battles were happening elsewhere. It niggled at me all the way through and when it reached its conclusion I felt as though I had merely read a wiki entry synopsis for the event. Yes I can go to the wiki and read all about what happened to everyone else, but the question is should I have to?

On the other hand X-Men:Schism I thoroughly enjoyed. It reminded me of a similar scenario my rpg group and I played in our superhero universe and so I was instantly enthralled and excited by it. My assumption from the brief I read, was that I would side with Cyclops. Of the two I am a bigger fan of  Scott, why? purely girl reasons I'm afraid, great love stories, betrayal and angst. Wolverine as great as he is seems to be a very male orientated character. Now don't think for one minute I don't like Wolverine, that would be sacrilege, I have read many stories with him and enjoyed them, I'm just saying if I had to pick it would be Cyclops.

Nothing like a little action within the team

However I was wrong in terms of Schism. I actually shocked myself and definitely sided with Wolverine. It won my approval  and I felt the story delivered was satisfying and complete. I was happy that I knew everything to make my choice without feeling the need to rush out in my slippers and buy the Schism:Generation Hope. This, I believe, is a compliment to the writers. I often feel that Marvel take advantage of the fans and try to produce as many titles tied to one event as possible, spread across the entire universe. This is unfair to the average earner like me who has to put feeding and clothing children ahead of my intense desire submerge myself in every comic I can get my get my hands on. So this takes me back to Avengers vs X-Men

May be I am just a bigger fan of X-Men then any of the others. But, to be honest, I have now read many comics and have found I am capable of enjoying many of the superheroes both Marvel, DC and others have to offer. My point is Avengers vs X-Men will hopefully involve some of the biggest heroes from each team and so the stakes are higher and I am expecting a lot.

What do I want? well I'll tell you, I want a full and completely gripping story. I want to be told personal tales where a readers loyalty is tested and torn right until the end and I don't want to have to buy 30 comics just to get a satisfying story. 

Please, please, please let it be as good as this picture suggests.

Either way I will be adding it to my pull list just as soon as they let me. It would be foolish for me not to. However, I do so with fingers crossed and a simple wish that Marvel will make me happy.

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