"Texting and scones..." T-Shirts & Hoodies by Becpuss | RedBubble:
Friday, 30 December 2011
"Texting and scones..." T-Shirts & Hoodies by Becpuss | RedBubble
"She said that you were a Mr Hotty...ness and that she would like to go out with you for texting and scones" The Doctor
"Texting and scones..." T-Shirts & Hoodies by Becpuss | RedBubble:
"Texting and scones..." T-Shirts & Hoodies by Becpuss | RedBubble:
Thursday, 29 December 2011
Damn right Riley! Toys are for everyone!
This is a smart little girl who speaks the absolute truth.
Christmas has taught me that all the cool stuff I would wish to own is aimed at boys. Even down to the Doctor Who toys, why are these in the so called 'Boys Toys' aisle. Isn't Who aimed everyone, young and old, male and female? Action scenes, love stories and feel good is not gender specific.
I also think the toy retailers way of thinking has ruined my superhero merchandise purchasing ability. I am a girl and will admit that my favourite superheroes tend to be women, or couples. That's my personal preference and one I have seemed to pass onto my daughter, so when I go to the toy shop to find toys featuring these heroes I am mostly disappointed on every occasion. I can find you one of everything featuring Batman or Ironman, Spiderman or Superman but can I find a Wonder Woman themed scooter, no, my daughter gets Hello Kitty.
My children have both been brought up and a hearty diet of superhero canon, I have always encouraged them both to play with whatever they want. I get the greatest joy from seeing them run round the house as Storm and Batman, they have no issue with Marvel/DC crossovers, or adventuring through time and space as The Doctor and his companion. Why stifle any of this creativity with colour. Maddie asked for a Supergirl dressing up costume a couple of years ago, so I researched what I could get and found a pink one!? WHY? Supergirl is blue and red, why does there need to be a pink version?
I have realised that once my daughter started school she became aware of what 'society' expected of her. Before school she had never heard of High School musical, within months she was asking for merchandise and singing the songs. Whilst this made me a little sad I soon realised we had brought her up balanced, she may play mermaids at school but at home she is always a hero. She has learnt a sad lesson about the way the world works, sometimes you just gotta fit in, but at home you can be anything you want to be.
Seeing this little girl get so annoyed with the gender stereotyping displayed in toy stores makes me smile and want to yell "Damn right!" So I will leave you with this:
Imagination should not be limited by colour. Toys are for everyone! Go forth and create!
doctor who,
gender stereotyping,
KapEl did Batman for me this time.
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
My Christmas haul
This has been one of the best Christmases for a geek like me, so I thought I would share my booty with you all.
It has been a hard decision but I think this is my most favourite present this year, a little Wonder Woman, so very very cute I love it. Not sure about what to do with it, think I am going to have to rethink my mantlepiece, which currently stores a variety of crap including a random pot of pens, several different sided dice, half a bottle of bubbles with no lid, two watches, three candles, a wizard and lots of important papers that can't be lost. I would much rather it displayed my superheroes, there's a job for the rest of the holiday period.
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Yes, they are awesome Superman PJs |
Some more Wonder Woman themed gifts. Wonder Woman #32 signed by George Perez, thank you mum and dad, a Wonder Woman apron which I opened to be told by my husband "Now you can bake me brownies in style". Guess I'm baking brownies at some point this Christmas break. Also a Wonder Woman dress up top complete with a little cape, unfortunately there isn't a picture of me in it because it attracted some unwanted attention from my husband, christmas morning is crazy enough without having to fend him off.
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Signed by George Perez |
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So I look cool in the kitchen, apparently. |
To be fair to my husband he has done well for me this year. Christmas present buying hasn't always been his strong point, once he bought me an inflatable backpack, not really sure why, but it has taken nearly 15 years and he got so very right. The apron and little Wonder Woman I have already mentioned, but alongside those he bought me 5 graphic novels. I must hold my hands up at this point and state I did create an Amazon wishlist as a huge huge hint. The one I am most excited about has to be the Astonishing X-Men omnibus, it is huge, so much X-Men fun in one place. I have started reading and made only a very small dent, which is good because I want it to last.
He also got me a very sweet Doctor Who themed necklace. I won't lie I am a little concerned it say 'FREE FOR USE OF PUBLIC' but rest assured anyone trying to take advantage of that will get a swift kick in the leg.
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So there it is a round up of the geek themed gifts I got this year. I got many more wonderful gifts which I am very grateful for, far too many to share, and consider myself to be very lucky that I have family and friends that care. I hope you all had a great geek christmas and I'll leave you with a little picture of my family on christmas day.
Thursday, 22 December 2011
The Borg are invading!
jean luc picard,
sci fi,
star trek
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Mark Sheppard is wearing my friends Tee! this is so exciting!
My friend GuruMel designed this T-Shirt featuring the wonderful Canton Everett Delaware III from Doctor Who episodes The Impossible Astronaut & Day of the Moon. What is so freaking awesome is that she found footage of the fantastic Mark Sheppard wearing it at a Spanish con here is a screen shot
I am so pleased for her! and if you fancy getting your hands on one just click here
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Monday, 19 December 2011
Tiny Street Art
I love these, most are essentially reflective of some of these most negative aspects of our society, and some are just fun. The full collection can be found here:
Sunday, 18 December 2011
Zombie Apocalypse? What do I wear?
So it’s the Zombie Apocalypse you’ve been dreaming of all your life, but what are you going to wear? Here is a guide to what I think is the best, yet stylish outfit for you to wear day in day out for probably the last few days, weeks if you’re lucky or months if you have a really really good plan, of your life.
The Jacket is a must!
I have enjoyed Walking Dead but man they do some dumbass shit that gets them killed. The one huge mistake they are making bugs the crap out of me. Amy didn’t need to die her death could have been avoided if any of them had actually stopped and thought – zombies like to bite. She got bitten on the arm! A fate that would not have come to be if she had been wearing a jacket.
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What kinda moron doesn't cover their arms? |
Why on earth are people walking round in a zombie apocalypse with bare arms?? I get that they may get hot but I’d rather be sweaty then a rotting, decaying smelling undead corpse. So my personal number one rule is COVER YOUR SKIN. Plate armour is simply ridiculous, in an undead apocalypse manoeuvrability is an essential and as any roleplayer knows leather offers an armour plus and no human alive of undead can easily bite through leather without a sustained period of gnawing and if you get yourself into a situation where sustained gnawing is possibility, you’re pretty much screwed anyway. Why leather of thick padded? Leather is wipe clean, always a bonus.
The Top
White t-shirt would be my option for under the jacket. You don’t want anything to insulating like a jumper or long sleeves, the amount of running you’re going to have to do mean you will quickly increase your body temp and fainting from heat exhaustion mid flee is not an option. Obviously if you’re in Alaska or the Outer Hebrides a jumper may be appropriate, I do ask that you use a little of your own common sense. The colour is important, white or other light colours are essential, yes the stain easily but that’s the point, when bashing zombie brains it’s good to know where zombie brain splatter has landed. Dark colours my mask potentially infectious matter putting you and may be others around you at risk.
All leather? you won't look like this. |
The Bottoms
It should go without saying, I hope, that skirts of any kind are a no no. Keep them legs covered! My choice here is hard instinct says leather trousers, but then it’s easy to look like a dick in head to toe leather, plus getting them on and off when you’re drenched in the sweat of your adrenalin fuelled escape is really hard and baby powder is not something I would expect anyone to have as standard in their zombie survival pack. So my choice is good old fashioned jeans, not jeggings, but hard wearing comfy yet stylish jeans or another option is cargo pants, but good proper military style pants with those extra handy pockets.
Absolutely NO HEELS! Whilst I appreciate how handy they may be for stabbing a zombie straight through the eye, the potential for having to break into a sprint at a moment’s notice outweighs a heeled shoes usefulness as a weapon. I’m also saying no the any form of canvas shoe, sandal, Crocs. My choice is a big sturdy boot, preferably with a steel toe cap ideal for brain destroying head stomping and mostly waterproof and hard wearing.
Scarf – offers some neck protection plus mouth covering options to avoid splatter. Also allows you to brighten your outfit a little, have a range of colour options for the change of seasons.
Leather gloves - again skin protection though ensure gloves have a good grip, you don’t want your axe flying from your beautifully shiny leather clad hands at the worst possible moment.
Belt – Keeps your jeans up and items can be tied to it for that extra storage D&D style. Also gives you the option of a badass belt buckle to finish off your awesome zombie fighter look.
Ladies be sure to pick up a good sports bra there’s a lot of running involved in surviving zombies, though why these people never get themselves a bike is beyond my comprehension. Also tie your hair back, better still opt for a shorter look, it’ll be all the rage in a world with limited shampoo and conditioning supplies.
One of the best things about all of these items is they are easy to source. Many people already have many of these things and those who don’t can make a quick, no doubt, action packed but ill-fated raid of your local shopping centre. Just be sure to take some friends as bait, if zombie movies have taught us nothing else we know that ‘supply’ runs will always result in at least one member of the party being munched on.
So there it i,s my recommended outfit for the zombie apocalypse, practical yet badass and hopefully if you're doing it right you'll end up looking like this awesome dude but without those very useful adamantium claws.
geek wear,
walking dead,
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