Tuesday, 21 August 2012
Avengers Gag Reel - almost more awesome than the film!
I could watch these guys mess it up all day. It looks like it was a ton of fun to film and how could it not have been!
avengers 2012,
captain america,
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Manchester EXPO & Comic Con...
WARNING: If you don't like pictures of kids geeking out leave now. I know it has been a while since the Comic Con, but being at home with the kids during the summer hols consumes a whole lotta time and leaves me exhausted by the end of the day so I haven't really had a chance to post about it yet. However, I have about an hour before one of the little geeks will demand my attention so I would like to share some of my pictures from the Manchester comic con on the 21st of July. This con was special because it was my children's first time and I made them cosplay (made them in a nice way, there was no forced face painting or anything).
Maddie is 9 and I tried to persuade her to be Wonder Woman or Supergirl but she had her own idea - pokemon. At first she wanted to be Misty but I couldn't find an appropriate and inexpensive ginger wig, so her next choice was Pikachu. Xander on the other hand was much easier to please just close your eyes and pick from his dressing up pile. He went with Captain America in the end I think mainly because he got to carry a shield, plus it was also clean which is always a bonus. He wasn't so keen on the full forehead paint still he looks awesome.

It was packed! We got in about 10:30am and you could hardly move, which isn't a good sign so early in the morning. But I wasn't going to let invasion of my personal space stop me, so onward we trekked through the jungle of heroes, geeks, nerds some hipsters and other such creatures you would expect to find in this habitat.
Along the way I could here people commenting about the cuteness of my children and it made me so proud. People asked if they could have their picture take with them, and me like some toddlers and tiaras crazy mum encouraged it. Thankfully the kids were happy to take part and not shy in asking for pictures with other cosplayers.

The most exciting bit for my daughter was meeting Clare Thomas from Young Dracula seeing her getting so excited reminded me of the time I met Brent Spiner and James Marsters a few years ago. It filled me with such geek infused joy to see her experiencing the same passion for the things she loves.
As usual with these sorts of events I didn't have enough money to buy all the things I want to, but I don't think I ever will so it's just something I have to live with. I did pick up a super sexy Wonder Woman to add to my collection and a couple of button badges. Maddie bought herself a comicbook by Matt Dyson. Xander got himself an awesome Batman Hot Wheels monster truck. So they both came home tired and happy.
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Girl Captain America' ass |
I definitely recommend taking your own lunch and drinks, the 'food hall' wasn't very impressive and very very busy, no just popping to get a drink, it was quicker to leave the con and pop round the corner to a shop. A packed lunch on the steps outside in the sun was actual a really fun part of the day. Seeing all the different cosplayers hanging out in their affiliated groups made me realise 'these are my kind' which considering I spend most of my time with people who don't know what basic things like what Firefly is or a even what a d20 is, was quite refreshing.
To anyone wondering whether it is worth it let me reassure you it is, the price was reasonable and well worth it. We went to geek out and that's exactly what we did.
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Saturday, 26 May 2012
One year on...
One year today we lost our best friend. The most devastating day of our life.
I made a decision in the days that followed that I couldn't allow this to break me, as sad as I was and still am it would achieve nothing to dwell. I know with certainty that it would have angered Jer to throw our lives away and give up. So I didn't I sought comfort in those I love and sought professional help when it got too much, and I am glad I did.
I learnt that the sadness I had felt before Jerry's passing was nothing compared to the raw sadness I feel with grief, an overwhelming rush of emotion that I have had to train myself to rein in and cope with. Never underestimate the power of a few deep breaths to restore enough calm to be able to carry on.
This year I have discovered how strong I can be when I really have to be and I have been braver then I have ever been required to, I have surprised myself.
One of the hardest things to accept is that it has all been real and these things do happen to me. Without before experiencing a real tragedy I found myself living my life with a false sense of security, a feeling that bad things happen to other people and I was safe from that. Of course as many people know that is not true and at anytime someone you love can be ripped away without explanation or justification. In some respects I am now more scared of life, I see danger more than I did and think about the worst case scenarios more than ever.
I'm not at all religious, I don't know what happens when you die but I don't believe in the standard heaven scenario. However, I do find myself a little jealous of people with faith and the comfort belief can offer. I have been searching for my own little comfort, some indication that there is more out there just to set my mind at rest. I'll be honest sometimes I have thought there have been signs, silly as it sounds, none of which I wish to share but enough to give me a little hope. Many people will probably explain it as 'if you want to see it you will', well so be it, anything to make coping easier.
Life is a lonelier now, Jerry was the only person we socialised with in the town in which we live and it had been that way for 14 years. The majority of our weekends are now like every other night of the week. The responsibility of children and finances mean we can't even occupy ourselves going out, but time moves on and it becomes something you get used to.
We have our other best friends just far enough away so that getting together is costly so I appreciate that time with them more than ever and look forward to it. I have thought about going out there and making new friends, but at the moment it seems an impossible task. At 33 I didn't imagine I would need to make new friends, but I'll just have to see how that goes.
I think I should end this blog on a positive note, and there have been a few personal positives in this year. I took a big step and did a couple of things I always wanted to.
First thing I did was dye my hair purple, not a massive thing you my think but for me it was a brave move. Something I wanted to do for so long but fear of societies reaction had always stopped me, and this is where the bravery comes in. I suddenly developed the attitude 'you only live once'. I realised that I have once chance to experience the things I want to and I wasn't about to let the attitude of people I didn't care about stop me. Those who love me will support me, those who don't I couldn't give a shit about anymore. I am pleased I did and have loved it, and though I am going back to blonde, I am pleased that I can say this is because I am tired of keeping up with the purple and not because some moron has intimidated me into it.
My other achievement was to GM a game. I wrote a story and became the Games Master. The thought of doing this before has always left me sick to my stomach and I frequently kicked myself for not giving it a go. But I finally thought "What have I got to loose?". I was going to be running a game for my closest friends, people I trust to make things as easy for me as they could. I was pleased with the result considering it was my first try. I accept I have a lot to learn but this can only come with practise, something I am willing to do. Whilst I am back to being a player at the moment, something I have missed, I'm certain I will GM again in the future. I am proud I was able to overcome some of my fears, but am sad it took losing a best friend to make me do it.
Not a day goes by that I don't think of Jerry, but I expect that will continue for many many years to come. I miss him and so much of him is around us, but I'm glad for that. Sometimes the tears come when I don't expect them and sometimes the memories make me smile when I don't expect it. So, I guess, we're doing ok. Now I'm off for a shot of Tequila, a few deep breaths and a hug.
I made a decision in the days that followed that I couldn't allow this to break me, as sad as I was and still am it would achieve nothing to dwell. I know with certainty that it would have angered Jer to throw our lives away and give up. So I didn't I sought comfort in those I love and sought professional help when it got too much, and I am glad I did.
I learnt that the sadness I had felt before Jerry's passing was nothing compared to the raw sadness I feel with grief, an overwhelming rush of emotion that I have had to train myself to rein in and cope with. Never underestimate the power of a few deep breaths to restore enough calm to be able to carry on.
This year I have discovered how strong I can be when I really have to be and I have been braver then I have ever been required to, I have surprised myself.
One of the hardest things to accept is that it has all been real and these things do happen to me. Without before experiencing a real tragedy I found myself living my life with a false sense of security, a feeling that bad things happen to other people and I was safe from that. Of course as many people know that is not true and at anytime someone you love can be ripped away without explanation or justification. In some respects I am now more scared of life, I see danger more than I did and think about the worst case scenarios more than ever.
I'm not at all religious, I don't know what happens when you die but I don't believe in the standard heaven scenario. However, I do find myself a little jealous of people with faith and the comfort belief can offer. I have been searching for my own little comfort, some indication that there is more out there just to set my mind at rest. I'll be honest sometimes I have thought there have been signs, silly as it sounds, none of which I wish to share but enough to give me a little hope. Many people will probably explain it as 'if you want to see it you will', well so be it, anything to make coping easier.
Life is a lonelier now, Jerry was the only person we socialised with in the town in which we live and it had been that way for 14 years. The majority of our weekends are now like every other night of the week. The responsibility of children and finances mean we can't even occupy ourselves going out, but time moves on and it becomes something you get used to.
We have our other best friends just far enough away so that getting together is costly so I appreciate that time with them more than ever and look forward to it. I have thought about going out there and making new friends, but at the moment it seems an impossible task. At 33 I didn't imagine I would need to make new friends, but I'll just have to see how that goes.
I think I should end this blog on a positive note, and there have been a few personal positives in this year. I took a big step and did a couple of things I always wanted to.
First thing I did was dye my hair purple, not a massive thing you my think but for me it was a brave move. Something I wanted to do for so long but fear of societies reaction had always stopped me, and this is where the bravery comes in. I suddenly developed the attitude 'you only live once'. I realised that I have once chance to experience the things I want to and I wasn't about to let the attitude of people I didn't care about stop me. Those who love me will support me, those who don't I couldn't give a shit about anymore. I am pleased I did and have loved it, and though I am going back to blonde, I am pleased that I can say this is because I am tired of keeping up with the purple and not because some moron has intimidated me into it.
My other achievement was to GM a game. I wrote a story and became the Games Master. The thought of doing this before has always left me sick to my stomach and I frequently kicked myself for not giving it a go. But I finally thought "What have I got to loose?". I was going to be running a game for my closest friends, people I trust to make things as easy for me as they could. I was pleased with the result considering it was my first try. I accept I have a lot to learn but this can only come with practise, something I am willing to do. Whilst I am back to being a player at the moment, something I have missed, I'm certain I will GM again in the future. I am proud I was able to overcome some of my fears, but am sad it took losing a best friend to make me do it.
Not a day goes by that I don't think of Jerry, but I expect that will continue for many many years to come. I miss him and so much of him is around us, but I'm glad for that. Sometimes the tears come when I don't expect them and sometimes the memories make me smile when I don't expect it. So, I guess, we're doing ok. Now I'm off for a shot of Tequila, a few deep breaths and a hug.
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Good times 1999 |
Sunday, 25 March 2012
For the fashionably sexy geek
I truly believe we are in the rise of the girly geek, no longer is comic or geek culture solely under the ownership of men. I myself have been a Trekkie since the tender age of 11 and was brought up on a substantial diet of sci-fi TV. Comics are a reasonably newer addition to my life started reading them 6-7 years ago and collecting for almost 3 years, however one of my earliest memories is spinning around in my garden pretending to be Lynda Carters Wonder Woman. So when it comes to expressing my geek side through clothes I am becoming aware that fashionistas are beginning to realise the huge market for girls like me. So I have been browsing and found a number cute, sexy and basically awesome fashion pieces that I love and think you will too.
Let us start with one for the Trekkie - Vulcan earrings, let out your inner Spock.
If you don't already know I am a massive Doctor Who fan and so this is just a beautiful must have piece, plus it's bigger on the inside.
Even geeks need sun and holidays, so these are ideal and they definitely are the droids you are looking for.
For my square flat feet high heels are a form if torture, however on the rare occasion when circumstances require them I choose these and made by DESIGNEDBYDIVAS
and of course I'll require sexy stockings
Now for some jewelry picks
There is lots and lots more I could pick, which is a good thing but these are my top picks for today.
Let us start with one for the Trekkie - Vulcan earrings, let out your inner Spock.
If you don't already know I am a massive Doctor Who fan and so this is just a beautiful must have piece, plus it's bigger on the inside.
Even geeks need sun and holidays, so these are ideal and they definitely are the droids you are looking for.
For my square flat feet high heels are a form if torture, however on the rare occasion when circumstances require them I choose these and made by DESIGNEDBYDIVAS
and of course I'll require sexy stockings
PI necklace |
There is lots and lots more I could pick, which is a good thing but these are my top picks for today.
geek apparel,
geek fashion,
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Just Wonder Woman
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Saturday, 11 February 2012
Insight into my RPG experience in motivational posters...
Just a few roleplay motivational posters which reflect my experiences:
This is how I like my characters to be:
With an element of this:
Yep this has happened before, but I'm sure it was an aeroplane
And to finish I have chosen this one, I think it says it all about my gaming experiences:
This is how I like my characters to be:
With an element of this:
"You destroyed half the city!" Why are the locals never happy? we saved the world and took the awesome gold off their hands, what more do they want?
Yep this has happened before, but I'm sure it was an aeroplane
Tigers in the basement and a tiger trained to avoid flashbangs, that's all I have to say:
And to finish I have chosen this one, I think it says it all about my gaming experiences:
game master,
motivational posters,
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Clark busted by Facebook!
Saw it on George Takei's facebook, laughed my ass off, thought I would share for probably the very few of you who haven't already seen it. Clark Kent busted by Facebook!
I am a little sad Clark is using a Mac though, but I guess it is in keeping with the loser image he must maintain.
Monday, 6 February 2012
You all better be excited about Avengers 2012: Superbowl Trailer
This trailer has just made me even more excited then the last one, and that didn't seem possible. I felt a little sick with anticipation when I pressed play and felt a little sick with total excitement when it finished.
Saturday, 28 January 2012
Rose and the Doctor Art by Viria13
This art by Viria13 is one of my favourite images of the Doctor and his companion. For me the 10th Doctor and Rose is a beautiful love story and one I will watch over and over again. For me this image captures the role Rose played in supporting him overcome his personal demons and helping him love again. Yeah soppy I know, I'll admit it I am a big romantic.
Viria13 has many many more wonderful and magical Dr Who related artwork and I urge to take a look. HERE
10th doctor,
dr who,
rose tyler,
the doctor
Thursday, 26 January 2012
Saturday, 21 January 2012
Zombie Apocalypse - The Food Cupboard
Following on from my Zombie Apocalypse? What do I wear? post here is some advice about the must have apocalypse food cupboard.
First off I wouldn’t recommend a shopping trip within the first two weeks of the outbreak, chances are your local supermarket will be full of cashiers wandering around gnawing on the rotting meats of the butcher counters and happy go lucky customers doing their weekly shop are now roaming up and down the aisle hoping to find some canned brain, all in all not a safe place to be. And that's assuming the zombie outbreak was fast and extremely contagious with a very short incubation period. If it has been a slower process then the likely hood is that your local shops have been trashed by the initial panic buying followed quickly by the inevitable looting.
General rules of food consumption in this scenario should for your family and you to gorge on the fridge and freezer food, no harm in building up some stored fat much like a bear preparing to hibernate. No heating means cold nights a layer of fat adds a little comfort. Though please note excessive weight gain will impact the chances of survival when running for your life. Next eat the fresh products, bread, biscuits, fruit and vegetables. All providing essential energy and vitamins to once again prepare you for the chaotic times ahead.
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General rules of food consumption in this scenario should for your family and you to gorge on the fridge and freezer food, no harm in building up some stored fat much like a bear preparing to hibernate. No heating means cold nights a layer of fat adds a little comfort. Though please note excessive weight gain will impact the chances of survival when running for your life. Next eat the fresh products, bread, biscuits, fruit and vegetables. All providing essential energy and vitamins to once again prepare you for the chaotic times ahead.
But that said clearly the most sensible option would be to plan ahead. The difficulty with this is storage, you start to fill your house with masses of food then you’ll quickly become the crazy person who lives on the corner with chickens and cows in their backyard. So here are a few key items to keep in your larder to aid the transition into the new apocalyptic, run for your life kinda world.
Bottled Water (obviously)
Mmmm hydration |
Canned Food (again obviously)
Many many foods come in the form of a can. From the classic baked beans and soup to chilli or a full breakfast and not forgetting fruit and vegetables. Canned food has a shelf life of anywhere between one to five years and therefore the most convenient way of getting daily sustenance without risking botulism or salmonella. Plus they are cheap and chances you already have a small supply from your weekly shop. Adding one or two extra to that shop won’t financially cripple you.
Whilst I recommend a range of soups and vegetables. My number one choice is baked beans. Considered a super food they are packed with protein, fibre, iron and calcium. As well as being one of your five a day they are also not too bad eaten cold. One last thing, make sure you have a can opener.
A big bag of dried rice is a must. Rice is the staple food for more than half of the world’s population. It offers complex carbohydrates which provide a slower and more sustained release of energy than simple carbohydrates. White rice is one of the quickest easiest foods to digest and is often recommended for those who are debilitated and weak and require easy assimilation and quick energy, an inevitable side effect of a zombie apocalypse. Down side is that rice does require boiling so fire is a must. But worry not here is a video on Urban survival, how to light a fire:
There is nothing like a pinch of salt to vastly improve the blandness of your apocalypse menu and brighten your day but it’s a lot handier then this. As salt inhibits the growth of microorganisms humans have been salting meat to preserve it since ancient times. So if you’re not quite hungry enough to eat the whole cat, salt a little for later. Please bear in mind though that you will probably require a reliable water supply before setting up your salted meat emporium, the sodium in salt plays a part in triggering thirst mechanisms meaning chances are you’ll require a drink after chowing down on salted squirrel.
There are many other uses for salt, some irrelevant, I don’t think anyone is going to be too worried about keeping their fresh cut flowers blooming for longer, but some handier such as using it to brush your teeth. You can find out more about the uses from the Salt Institute.
So there it is, the basics. I'd also add a range of spices and may be some dried lentils, a little powdered mash potato and super noodles, you know just to shake it up a bit. Also handy would be a big box of matches and some multi vitamins and iron supplements.
Happy Eating! (hopefully not brains)
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Saturday, 7 January 2012
Sunday, 1 January 2012
Kids rock at roleplay gaming!
I have been roleplay gaming with my husband and friends for 14 years and I love it so it only seemed natural to introduce our children to it when they became a suitable age. They have for many years looked at our funny shaped dice waiting for the day they would be able to touch them. Finally we allowed it, my best friend them Gurumel has the D&D adventure First Quest so we all decided to start there.
The first session involved only my daughter, my son was 3 and harder to get focused. Maddie (8) surprised me by being really really creative and imaginative and completely relaxed. To her it was just another game. When I first started playing, aged 18, I was much more reserved and in some cases terrified. It was something completely new to me and nothing I'd even heard of so it took me sometime to settle down and get into the flow. The advantage of being a child is that you can act silly in front of everyone without fear of being judged or laughed at for the wrong reason. Doing that as an adult is hard.
Within minutes of the session starting she was trash talking a group of gnolls:
"I'm going to walk you to the river tie a stone around you and throw you in, you smell like a dog"
This disturbed me a little I won't lie, but we all laughed and laughed and she continued to come with ideas that made me so proud. Ideas such as cutting the meat off the dead gnolls so we can eat it later. We then had the age old debate about eating meat from talking animals and she agreed not to, but I am proud nonetheless that it crossed her mind, and she was right we didn't have any food.
In her second session this weekend, she decided to trash talk a giant toad, along the lines of "I'm going to cut off your legs and feed them to the french" instead she stabbed it through the head with her quarterstaff, job done. It was in this session that Xander, now 4, got interested.
He wanted to roll the dice more than any other aspect of the experience so he became Slinker the thief. Whilst his attention wasn't always in the game he certainly listened for the combat. In one particular combat the DM announced a room with 4 Hobgloblins and played the track on the CD. This was his reaction, followed by tears, followed by backstabbing one to death.
It was beautiful to see both of my children playing and enjoying the fun to be had in a world of imagination. They have done me proud and it's a better start to their roleplay gaming life then I could have hoped for. I am certain there will be many more good times ahead and I will update folks as and when.
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